fixed GTPGR report parsing
Fixed GTCAN report parsing from GV300N devices
Updated GTERI report parsing from Gl320M to version 3.03
Added Driving Behavior Alarm, Speed Alarm, Tow Alarm, Crash Alarm settings for GB100CG
Fixed +ACK:GTBID report parsing from GL521M devices
Request position action setting was added to GV300 series, GL320M, GV500MA, GB130MG, GL30MG. For GV53MG model the setting also accepts timeout to wait for GNSS initialization field.
Fixed GTFRI report parsing from GV56 according to the 13.06 protocol version
Fixed +ACK:GTBID and +ACK:GTHUM report parsing from GV56
Fixed GTBID and GTERI report parsing from GV355CEU
Added new device Queclink SC350M
Protocol parsing for SC350M device updated to version 1.07
Fixed Serial Number field parsing in GTPIC, GTSOD, GTRFQ, GTVDO reports
Fixed position.speed parsing in the GTFRI report from GL320M devices. If speed equals -1, movement.status = false, and position.speed = 0 register, according to the protocol documentation.
Fixed GTBID report parsing from GV620MG devices
YuryAheichyk Fixed GTBIE report parsing as well
Fixed GTCAN report parsing from GV355CEU devices
Fixed GTBAA report parsing from GV620MG
Updated CV200 data parser to version 2.17
What you need to do to download the file:
Improvements to Tachograph Functionality: