Hi, I am trying to confugure my eelink TK419 tracker via setbox (sorry I messed up topic title, I meant to write setbox not flexbox but can't edit it). I had to choose an older device (TK319) to see options. The protocol is the same for TK319, TK418, TK419, etc. as they all use 2.0 protocol, so can you enable options for TK419? Also, the majority of settings in the native app are missing from flexbox. Would it be possible to add these? I have attached screen prints from the native app. Only cut engine (relay) is currently available in setbox, but it looks a little different. Here is the documentation for 2.0 (I'm sure you have it already but posting it here for reference):
"Operation" menu in native app

Alarm menu (all can be enabled or disabled, with screen prints for additional options below)

Options for "motion alarm"

Options for "speed alarm"

Options for "shift alarm"

Input for "administrator number"

Input for "terminal number"

Options for "working mode"

Options for "cut engine off"