We are using mosquitto_sub as a client to review messages between clients in real-time; for some reason, the client seems to connect, but no messages printed (those messages do send and received in the MQTT.js clients connected to that broker), the connection we have tried are:
mosquitto_sub.exe -h mqtt.flespi.io -p 443 -t /# -u NotMyRealToken -v
no error nor messages
mosquitto_sub.exe -L Mqtt://NotMyRealToken@mqtt.flespi.io:443/# -v
no error nor messages
when trying to connect using a secure protocol (MQTTS) we get the message:
mosquitto_sub.exe -L Mqtts://NotMyRealToken@mqtt.flespi.io:443/# -v
Error: A TLS error occurred.
Can you pls point us to what we are doing wrong?