We modified the scheme of channel configuration and now it is possible to receive into the channel not only valid parseable JSON payloads, but also any kind of data that will be stored as a value of some parameter, which name can be specified either as a fixed string or can be retrieved from the topic. E.g. if device send message with topic="room/6/lights" and payload="11" it is possible to convert it into flespi channel message like:
{"ident":"room_6", "timestamp":1567242121, "lights":11}
The timestamp of channel message, if not specified will be retrieved (if available) from "timestamp" user property of MQTT message. If used with flespi MQTT broker, it sets this user property automatically as the indication of the message reception time.
Now it is also possible to specify as ident not only just one topic segment, but multiple segments. E.g. message to topic 'city/la/room/6' may generate ident 'la_room_6'.
All existent channel configurations are automatically upgraded to new scheme.