We supported special streaming protocol called nis. This protocol is used in Russia only, and although it is very stupidly designed - HTTP/SOAP based with just one message per HTTP request - it is quite popular on CIS space for inter-servers communications. Feel free to use it.

nis streaming protocol was updated to send values for Digital inputs, outputs and Analog inputs. The number of streamed Analog inputs is limited up to 8 for nis and wialon_retranslator streams.

6 days later

We have removed deprecated fields "ident" and "phone" from the devices REST API. These fields was left for backward compatibility for a few months.
In addition, we have removed old stream subscriptions REST API methods also marked as deprecated a few months ago.
More details are placed in this article: https://flespi.com/blog/sync-up-with-changes-in-the-flespi-device-api

14 days later
  • Edited

Platform has changed the way it accumulating logs when operating under subaccounts hierarchy.

Say you have account root with subaccount sub and it branched another subaccount subsub. Tree looks like this: root<=sub<=subsub.

Now imagine that you have log message for the subsub account, for example device was connected.

Before the update: logs both in realtime (subscribing to flespi/logs/#) and in history mode (accessible via REST) where placed by the system into an account subsub and all its parents: sub and root.

Thus when operating with large volumes we have quite a big storage size of root top-account basically multiplied by the number of subbaccounts it has.

After the update: the log message will be stored exactly and only at the account where it was generated. E.g if you have device or channel that belong to some subaccount you can access log messages for this entity only from its account. This is applied to both REST and MQTT.

Toolbox was modified accordingly and now has account selector whenever you have some flespi accounts to switch between.

12 days later

We've added the "status" field for each device setting. It's indicating the source of the current setting value (if available) and the flespi platform intention to read the new current value or apply the pending setting value.
The full documentation is available here: https://flespi.io/docs/#/gw/!/devices

Platform update affects devices with ident collisions.
Collision occurs when two or more devices have the same ident, device type and share a common channel.
The device with the lowest identifier remains unlocked, other devices will be blocked using the "bad configuration" code.

    adsa We have reverted update until some problems being solved.

    • adsa replied to this.

      Next Monday, on October 14, we will install an update with the small change in our Telematics Gateway REST API.

      Once installed, the devices creation method (POST, https://flespi.io/docs/#/gw/!/devices/post_devices ) will require the "device_type_id" and "configuration" fields to be specified. Also, the "configuration" object for all device types will require an "ident" field.
      Please review your integrations and correct them to always include such fields when you're creating devices.

      If you have any questions, please contact us in the chat embedded in the flespi.io panel or on forum.flespi.com

      • kial replied to this.

        adsa The problems were resolved and the update was installed.

          7 days later

          We have installed the described update to the telematics hub. To create a new device without binding to device type - please use { "device_type_id": 0, "configuration": {} } fields in your POST request.

          The behavior of REST API methods with max_count parameter specified has been changed for channels logs, devices logs and streams logs. Check information in the corresponding storage system changelog.

            6 days later

            Some of our users had difficulties filling out the headers field for the HTTP stream. The inconvenience of the interface is caused by the scheme used for headers field: {"header-name": "header-value", ...}.

            We decided to change the scheme to an array, in the form: [{"name": "header-name", "value": "header-value"}, ...]
            This solution will allow you to add heades in the usual way.

            Existing streams remain in their original form until november 4. After they will be automatically converted to a new format. Support for the old scheme in the REST API will continue until november 18.

            2 months later

            shal We decided to remove nis protocol from the streams at the moment, but upon request may re-enable it later.

            And we implemented maxoptra streaming protocol for integration telematics data from flespi hub directly into Maxoptra Distribution Route Planning.

            We enabled JSON objects(and arrays) in device telemetry fields and enlarged allowed textual value size for the telemetry from 1KB to 4KB.

              • Edited

              Method /platform/subaccounts/all/logs was added. Using it you can get your subaccount's logs in a single REST call. The most convinient way is to fill filter parameter to select what kind of logs do you need.
              Use this request to fetch all deleted devices from all subaccounts:

                8 days later
                • Edited

                Devices and calculators received new property for controlling maximum storage threshold they can use.

                This parameter is a convenient way for controlling your flespi storage size. Now instead of guessing how much storage you will use in devices in a day/month/year you may just specify automatic messages rotation size and flespi will control it for you. Whenever any newly added message will overflow specified size older messages will be automatically discarded.

                Same applies to analytics and intervals size used by assigned devices.

                Read https://flespi.com/kb/how-to-manage-device-storage for more information about messages rotation.

                2 months later

                For streams to Azure IoT we have added special parameter replace_dots which is off by default. Once enabled in stream configuration all messages received by stream on Azure side will contain replaced dots to underscores in parameter names, e.g. "position.latitude" to "position_latitude" and so on. This is to enable special rules engine on Azure side which is impossible to use when original flespi parameter naming scheme is used (with dots).

                8 days later
                • Edited

                For security issues we decided to remove ident parameter from device telemetry. This way device telemetry can be securely exposed to external users via REST and MQTT. Together with recently installed changes to flespi ACL tokens it even possible to expose just the device telemetry excluding device settings or its configuration.

                The update which removes ident parameter from device telemetry will be installed tomorrow in the morning.