As a part of our anti-DDoS preventive measures we are softly switching from IP-based channel specification to DNS-based. Each channel is assigned its unique DNS record in form {channel-id} Currently it is resolved as a CNAME type record to for EU region and for RU region which by itself are A-type records to the underlying IP address which was recently a part of channel’s URI.
It means that except the visualization part currently there are no actual changes occurred in the endpoint where to connect your telematics devices. However we strongly recommend you to update the server address of your devices from IP-based format to the new DNS format as proposed by the channel uri property.
In case of any kind of DDoS attack we will immediately manipulate with these DNS records to reroute devices to different multiple IP addresses and save and secure the traffic from your devices. If you use the DNS address of your channel you will be safe. If you use an old fashioned IP address - the traffic from your devices may be blocked for some period of time.
Moreover later we will introduce more IP addresses for communication with devices and even may install and rotate channel listeners in different datacenters to improve reliability and performance. Please use the DNS name of your channel everywhere and together with flespi prepare for the future.
For all new channels created from this point of time, with ID higher then 18000 for RU region and 22000 for EU region we expect that the devices connect to DNS name and we may further change IP address it points to without additional notice. Please be aware.