flespi analytics engine today received a great new feature - the possibility to intersect intervals generated by multiple calculators or, in other words, inject intervals detected by one calculator into another calculator.
This is implemented via counter of type="calc" which contain the configuration of where to look for intervals for injection like this stops counter from trips calculator:

In order for this counter to work correctly, the same device should be assigned to a referenced calculator and once the referenced calculator (stops on the sample above) intervals change, they are automatically added to our calculator interval (trips):

It is possible to limit fields to include from another calculator, like begin and duration fields in the sample on the screenshot - we do not need other fields generated by stops calculator by default like end, id, timestamp.
allow_start_before and allow_finish_after configuration parameters for the counter define the selection of sourced intervals. By default, they are set to false meaning only intervals located exactly inside bounds of our interval are retrieved.