I did now the following: created 2 channels subscribing to different MQTT topics. Each channel is assigned to its own stream, i.e. 2 streams have been created (same url, different header data).
A device is assigned to both channels, which shall trigger different streams dependent on the received MQTT topics from the device.
Issue: if both streams are enabled, I'm receiving
403: stream failed to deliver messages (error_code: 209)
05/12/2023 16:24:04 (+01:00)
error_code : 209
event_code : 403 .....
The http message is received at the destination, however flespi repeats sending this http message every 10 seconds.
When I'm disabling one of the streams it works fine again, however with the restriction, that only one kind of MQTT topic is forwarded.
Any idea how to keep both streams active and avoid above mentioned issue?