I’m using CoppeliaSim for robot simulation and LuaMQTT to connect the robot to a local Mosquitto MQTT broker. The issue is that the MQTT connection is blocking the simulation, preventing the robot from moving based on MQTT payloads received in topics.
I’m trying to use async code to handle the MQTT connection without blocking the simulation, but it’s not working as expected. When the MQTT connection is established, the simulation gets blocked.
I’ve used coroutines in CoppeliaSim and LuaMQTT’s callback functions, but the MQTT connection still seems to block the simulation.
Has anyone managed to make this work asynchronously in CoppeliaSim? Any help would be appreciated!
PS: Just to be clear, the broker works, and both publish and subscribe functions work. However, when the MQTT connection is established, the simulation crashes.
Thank you in advance for your help!