Micodus ML500.....Ok, so I'm a little bit lost here. I can't get my device to even allow me to figure out how to input the APN. Then , you go online to try to see how other people do it & you can't find a single video or article on it. I found this platform & I'm even more confused....Can you link any GPS device to this? Also, I tried doing this last month & my time has since then expired, so I got another prepaid SIM kit to try again....same results. Now on the PC platform for Micodus & the APP for Android, neither one will let me change or acknowledge a change has been made to the other platform, the ICCID. The PC program won't let me edit it. I'm so lost. I usually don't give up this easily, I just have a lot on my plate at the moment & really don't have the time to chase the rabbit down this hole, lol. Any type of help or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.