I tried to retrieve my session details using MQTT broker REST API and it worked perfectly for one client_id.
However when I use mutilple client_id's sepeated by commas as stated in the documentation, I only receive data corresponding to the last client_id in the list.
I also tried fetching session data for each client_id individually and it worked again.
Not sure If I am making any mistake. Please guide me.
My curl request for retrieving single session (works fine)
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXXXXXXXXX' 'https://flespi.io/mqtt/sessions/ABC-123'
My curl request for retreiving multiple sessions (fetches only the session corresponding to last client_id)
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXXXXXXXXX' 'https://flespi.io/mqtt/sessions/ABC-123%2CXYZ-123'