update in Ruptela protocol:
custom command remastered to wait for response from the device. Before it worked in one direction only, the response from the device will be stored in special log. IF you will have problems with the command being sent several times and rejected afterwards - let us know in flespi chat.
fix in automatic image download mechanism for fatigue sensor: now image is requested if device not in "downloading image" state.
command 137 logic remastered: no automatic first image download after subcommand 0 or 1 sent.
Parameter parsing updates:
IO ID 18, 19 are parsed as ain.3 and ain.4 for device types pro5, lcv5, hcv5 (other devices store this ID as parameter counter.fuel.value.3 and counter.fuel.value.4 as before)
IO ID 52 - 55: can.axle.weight.1-4
IO ID 56 - 64: c.sensor.fuel.temperature.1-9
IO ID 144 - 149: ot.sensor.temperature.1-6
IO ID 151: parsed to the list of flags and parameters geofence.status, geofence.enetered.event, geofence.left.event, din.low.event.1, din.low.event.2, din.low.event.3, din.low.event.4, din.high.event.1, din.high.event.2, din.high.event.3, din.high.event.4, ain.event.1, ain.event.2, geofence.overspeeding.status, geofence.valid, geofence.group.id, geofence.id according to this document
IO ID 355: can.service.brake.air.pressure.1
IO ID 356: can.service.brake.air.pressure.2
IO ID 360: can.retarder.torque.load
IO ID 361: can.retarder.selection
IO ID 515: can.vehicle.battery.level
IO ID 516: can.vehicle.remaining.distance
IO ID 517: can.vehicle.battery.charging.status
IO ID 519: can.engine.load.level
IO ID 520: can.maintenance.before.engine.hours
IO ID 521: can.vehicle.battery.capacity
IO ID 530: can.fuel.level
IO ID 817-820: sensor.humidity.1-4
IO ID 850: antihijack.bitmask
IO ID 851: gsm.lac
IO ID 852: gsm.cellid