Universal protocol parsing updated:
The following changes have been released to improve and standardize alert parameter handling:
Parameter Renaming:
Parameter alarm.code is renamed to event.enum to align with standard event enumeration across protocols
Parameters alarm.data[index=1] and alarm.data[index=2] will be removed
NOTICE: The legacy parameters alarm.code, alarm.data[index=1], and alarm.data[index=2] will be removed on January 30, 2025. Please update your integrations to use the new parameter names before this date.
ALERT_MOD values (previously in alarm.data[index=1]) are now parsed directly into:
geofence.shape and geofence.id for geofence events
sleep.mode.enum for sleep mode events
din[index] for digital input events
fuel.sensor.status[index] and fuel.low.alarm[index] for fuel-related events
vehicle.previous.state for vehicle state transitions
ALERT_DATA values (previously in alarm.data[index=2]) are now parsed into:
ibutton.code for iButton events
sensor.temperature[index] for temperature events
rfid.code for RFID events
Full list of parameters you can see in Message Parameters tab like shown on a screenshot.