This is a changelog topic for Segway-Ninebot protocol.
The list of supported devices:
S9 and S10 settings added for the Segway Ninebot ZK601LE and Segway Scooter IoT 3rd Gen devices
Bugfix in D0 setting: read command erased already configured values.
Segway Scooter IoT 2nd Gen device type added. Settings work remastered which caused the renaming of settings for zk601le model: s4 renamed to s4_zk601le d1 renamed to d1_zk601le
Segway Scooter IoT 3rd Gen protocol updated:
segway-ninebot protocol has been updated, added settings for Segway Scooter IoT 3rd Gen:
New device type supported: Segway Ninebot Max Plus
Added U0 (Detect upgrade/Start upgrade) report parsing