$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_user = 'root';
$mysql_password = '';
$mysql_db = 'message_receiver';
$mysql_table = 'php_message_listener';
// First of all you should create a new table in your database to handle messages.
// You can change columns as you wish. But then you should change the respective insert query
// Receive HTTP POST request body
$json_string = 'https://flespi.io/gw/devices/459/messages?data=%7B%22generalize%22%3A60%7D';
$curl = curl_init($json_string);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL , $json_string);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true);
$headers = array(
"Accept: application/json",
"Authorization: FlespiToken xxxxxxx",
//for debug only!
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
echo "data type : " , gettype($json_string);
/* now $json_string should contain JSON array like this:
'channel.id': 94,
'ident': '1234',
'peer': '',
'protocol.id': 19,
'server.timestamp': 1554447820.251666,
'timestamp': 1554447820.251666
if ($json_string) {
// decode received json string
$json = json_decode($json_string, true);
} else {
// skip empty message
// more details about available message content:
// https://flespi.com/kb/messages-basic-information-units
// Connect to mysql database
$con = mysqli_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password, $mysql_db);
if ($con === false) {
// Could not connect
} else {
$itms = [];
// Prepare messages
for ($i=0; $i < count($json); $i++) {
$itms[] = '(
"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $json[$i]['ident'] ?? '') . '",
' . floatval($json[$i]['server.timestamp'] ?? 0) . ',
' . floatval($json[$i]['position.longitude'] ?? 0) . ',
' . floatval($json[$i]['position.latitude'] ?? 0) . ',
' . floatval($json[$i]['timestamp'] ?? 0) . ',
' . floatval($json[$i]['position.altitude'] ?? 0) . ',
' . floatval($json[$i]['position.direction'] ?? 0) . ',
' . floatval($json[$i]['position.speed'] ?? 0) . ',
' . intval($json[$i]['position.satellites'] ?? 0) . '
$query = '
INSERT INTO ' . $mysql_table . ' (
) VALUES ' . join(',', $itms);
// insert message to database
if (mysqli_query($con, $query)) {
// NOTE: it's important to send HTTP 200 OK status
// to acknowledge successful messages delivering
} else {