We are an electric bikes renting company, and we are currently working with teltonika to add their tracker TFT100 to some of our devices.
In order to do that, we use flespi to receive the data from the trackers and forward them to our server, in order to be able, for now, to display the positions of the bikes on our map on our website.
So for now, the data is well-received by flespi, and we created 3 devices, that are working well.
The problem is that when we try to forward the data to our server using http protocol and via a stream, the connection is made, the data is sent, but our server only receive a part of the data (the 10 first keys, sometimes duplicated), and sometimes no data either.
I tried to make a stream connection to a flespi channel to see if there was any problem, and there wasn't the flespi channel was receiving the data as it should.
So the fact is that I tried to ask help to the flespi support, we even upgraded our account to try to have access to better support, but it ended up that they just told me they had never encountered that issue with an other client, I also tried to talk with teltonika, but they weren't able to help me either.
So I'm a little bit worried now, cause I truly have no idea about where the problem is coming from, and I also want to say that our bikes possess other trackers made by other companies, and they are working well, their data are arriving on the same way it should be with flespi, in almost the same json format...
I will put the data we're receiving in the linked files
I hope someone will be able to help me.
Have a good day.
William Feraux