Teltonika DualCam with IMAGE uploading function is now implemented on flespi: The process of uploading photos is integrated and works automatically, provided that the camera is correctly configured. You can also request a photo using the take_photo command. The photo is loaded in an additional connection. Along with the photo, the media.url parameter is registered, which contains a link for public viewing of the image.
baja ibutton.code.old and parameters removed
Corrections have been made to the take_photo photo upload command. Reasons: there may have been an error with the media file type request.
Added VIDEO download support for DualCam and DashCam. The photo is available for all models that can operate the camera: FMB125, FMB225, FMC125, FMC225. Video is currently limited to models only: FMC125, FMC225. You can request videos and photos on the MEDIA tab, which becomes available when you enable the experimental functionality in your account settings. When you click on the video download button, an additional window will appear in which you have to select:
Teltonika protocol has been updated, new devices were added:
Bugfix in FMB parsing scheme: IO ID 332 stored as ble.2.custom.payload.hex.2 must be stored as ble.2.custom.payload.hex.1 IO ID 333 stored as ble.3.custom.payload.hex.3 must be stored as ble.3.custom.payload.hex.1 IO ID 334 stored as ble.4.custom.payload.hex.4 must be stored as ble.4.custom.payload.hex.1 IO ID 248 raw numeric value is now also stored in immobilizer.state.enum parameter FMB640 series update in IO ID 251: together with immobilizer.state string parameter now the parameter immobilizer.state.enum is stored. Depending on value, extra boolean parameters are registered: value 0: false to ibutton.connected.status value 1: true to ibutton.connected.status value 2: true to ibutton.connected.status, true to ibutton.authorized.status
Immobilizer scenario parameters setting added for the models with 3 digital outputs
Immobilizer scenario parameters setting for the models with 1 and 2 digital outputs updated with field "auth_list_check" - List check for authorization. Equivalent to Teltonika configuring tool:
baja several protocol updates: the quoted messages refers to update where indexed parameters ble.sensor.temperature.error.code and ble.sensor.humidity.error.code have been stored according to the values: 4000 - abnormal sensor state 3000 - sensor not found 2000 - failed sensor data parsing This was a problem since there was no way to tell temperature 20 from error code 2000. Teltonika made this codes outdated, so now the values 20, 30 and 40 will be correctly parsed.
ID 540 - Throttle position group stored as can.throttle.pedal.level ID 541 - Fuel-Air Commanded Equivalence Ratio stored as can.equivalence.ratio ID 542 - Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure stored as
command response field in the log of successful command execution is now stored as HEX string (It was stored as escaped string before)
Teltonika TAT240 device type added
Minor update: devices that work over TLS will now have 2 second delay before delivering any commands. This made to give devices a timeout to finish encrypting operation. Because if device would receive a command during encrypting the packet to be sent in few moments - it just breaks the connection. So let's treat it as a server fix of a device-side behavior.
also, SECO setting added under Miscellaneous tab
baja minor update rollback. 2 second delay for devices that work over TLS was removed, as Teltonika released a fix for that.
new device type added: Teltonika FMC234
Settings idling, green_driving and overspeeding had been remastered for different device types to have appropriate amount of DOUT in control option (or no DOUT management for OBD devices.)
"On demand tracking activated by" setting added on Tracking tab
Parsing updated: CAN Bus Security state flags parameters (AVL IDs from 898 to 1084 of this list) for FMB series added
ID 898: SSF Ignition to parameter can.engine.ignition.status ID 652: SSF KeyInIgnitionLock to parameter can.ignition.key.status ID 899: SSF Webasto to parameter can.webasto.status ID 900: SSF Engine Working to parameter can.engine.working.status ID 901: SSF Standalone Engine to parameter can.standalone.engine ID 902: SSF Ready To Drive to parameter ID 903: SSF Engine Working On CNG to parameter can.cng.status ID 904: SSF Work Mode to parameter private.status ID 905: SSF Operator to parameter can.operator.present.status ID 906: SSF Interlock to parameter ID 907: SSF Engine Lock Active to parameter can.engine.lock.status ID 908: SSF Request To Lock Engine to parameter can.request.engine.lock.event ID 653: SSF Handbrake Is Active to parameter can.handbrake.status ID 910: SSF Footbrake Is Active to parameter can.pedal.brake.status ID 911: SSF Clutch Pushed to parameter can.pedal.clutch.status ID 912: SSF Hazard Warning Lights to parameter can.lights.hazard.lights.status ID 654: SSF Front Left Door Open to parameter can.front.left.door.status ID 655: SSF Front Right Door Open to parameter can.front.right.door.status ID 656: SSF Rear Left Door Open to parameter can.rear.left.door.status ID 657: SSF Rear Right Door Open to parameter can.rear.right.door.status ID 658: SSF Trunk Door Open to parameter can.trunk.status ID 913: SSF Engine Cover Open to parameter can.hood.status ID 909: SSF Roof Open to parameter can.roof.opened.status ID 914: SSF Charging Wire Plugged to parameter cable.connected.status ID 915: SSF Batttery Charging to parameter can.vehicle.battery.charging.status ID 916: SSF Electric Engine State to parameter can.electric.engine.status ID 917: SSF Car Closed Factory Remote to parameter ID 662: SSF Car Is Closed to parameter ID 918: SSF Factory Alarm Actuated to parameter factory.alarm.actuated.status ID 919: SSF Factory Alarm Emulated to parameter factory.alarm.emulated.status ID 920: SSF Signal Close Factory Remote to parameter ID 921: SSF Signal Open Factory Remote to parameter ID 922: SSF Rearming Signal to parameter can.rearm.signal.event ID 923: SSF Trunk Door Opened Factory Remote to parameter can.trunk.opening.remote.event ID 924: SSF CAN Module In Sleep to parameter can.module.sleep.mode ID 925: SSF Factory Remote 3x to parameter ID 926: SSF Factory Armed to parameter can.factory.armed.status ID 660: SSF Parking Gear Active (automatic gear box) to parameter can.parking.status ID 661: SSF Reverse Gear Active to parameter can.reverse.gear.status ID 659: SSF Neutral Gear Active (automatic gear box) to parameter can.neutral.gear.status ID 927: SSF Drive Is Active (automatic gear box) to parameter ID 1083: SSF Engine Working On Dual Fuel to parameter can.dual.fuel.status ID 1084: SSF Engine Working On LPG to parameter can.lpg.fuel.status
can_params setting changed. Now you can individually manage each setting from OBD IO with priority, operand, high-low value, event only and SMS number+text. explore commands & settings -> OBD tab for the details.
baja Teltonika protocol is updated: OBD IO settings fixed.
Added new parameters for FMC150:
Added new option Ultra Deep Sleep mode to Sleep mode setting for FMx130 devices
Added new Toggle CAN-CONTROL to close all windows, Toggle CAN-CONTROL to open all windows settings for CAN communication supported devices
The protocol will be affected by the change in parameter can.dtc to be installed in 2 weeks - Mar 15th, 2024: the parameter can.dtc is currently of string type and will be converted to type array with separate DTC codes.
Added parameter can.dtc.array as an example of future implementation of can.dtc
YuryAheichyk changes have been applied, the can.dtc parameter type changed to array parameter added for each message. It might be 142 for Codec 8 Extended (as 0x8E hex is 142 decimal), or just numeric value for other codec types like 8, 12