kial update for can.driver.door status and can.passenger.door.status installed
Together with this update new device types added:
- Teltonika FMC00A
- Teltonika FMM00A
- Teltonika FMC920
- Teltonika FMB150
- Teltonika FMC150
Bugfix schedule for device type FMT100 (and FMP100 which is parsed by the same scheme):
ID 260 now parsed as harsh.acceleration.duration will be stored as eco.driving.event.duration. Both parameters will be registered until October 19, then harsh.acceleration.duration will be removed
FMB630 device type parameter parsing added:
112: total.mileage
114: tacho.movement.status
115: and
116: and
117: tacho.overspeeding.status
120: tacho.driver.card.status.1
121: tacho.driver.card.status[index=2]
126: tacho.position.speed