I want to send a firmware update to the Morey's Main application, where can I upload the new image? or where is the list of images currently store in flespi?
Hello AaronMartnez ,
Here is a guide how to use firmware update setting for Morey MC-4(+):
Configure the device so that host:port of Application server is the same as Translation server [device card > Settings > Connectivity tab]:
Upload FW file on flespi CDN [Open "Storage" drop-down in the left pane in flespi.io > choose "CDN" > create CDN instance and upload FW file]:
Initiate FW update [device card > Settings > Actions tab]. On this step you should specify type of file to be downloaded (script, main application etc), specify file version in hex format and chose the fw file from CDN, that you uploaded in step 2. And hit a blue arrow button.