I've been using Flespi for a while now (coming from CloudMQTT), and so far it's not been great. I've found some guides and there is some documentation, but in the end nothing is clear or complete. I've been experiencing silent disconnects (where the bridge appears connected but Flespi doesn't send messages), and connecting problems. For about a few weeks now, I've not been able to connect, while my settings haven't changed. My goal of this post is to fix my setup, and to provide some sort of guide for others.
My original setup, which worked until a few weeks ago and then failed silently.
connection FlespiBroker
protocol mqtt
address mqtt.flespi.io:8883
remote_username [token goes here]
bridge_insecure false
try_private false
bridge_cafile /etc/mosquitto/certs/flespi/flespi-io-chain.pem
bridge_certfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/flespi/flespi.cert
notification true
notification_topic admin/bridge
keepalive_interval 60
start_type automatic
restart_timeout 10 180
topic message/# out 0
clientid test_client
I've tried all kinds of things, including websockets, getting the certificates again, switching from SSL. My most basic setup:
connection FlespiBroker
address mqtt.flespi.io:1883
remote_username [token goes here]
topic message/#
clientid test_client
But everything results in:
0: Connecting bridge FlespiBroker1 (mqtt.flespi.io:1883)
0: Error creating bridge: Try again.
0: Warning: Unable to connect to bridge FlespiBroker.
0: mosquitto version 2.0.12 running
Does anybody have a conf from a stable bridge connection?