2 years later

Fixed issues:

  • keepalive command response is now correct. The problem with disconnects solved
  • Timezone is obtained on connection start via GETCTRLUTC directive. Device's timezone is used to shift timestamp registered in messages.
  • new directive command added that will form JSON automatically (compared to custom command)
7 months later

Parsing of Extended data format №1 has been added to the protocol. It works only with enabling this config, cause the device doesn't report any data bout current ext. format. The option is in the device configuration tab.

    25 days later

    streamax protocol has been updated, added SPI device location information upload packet parsing

      6 days later

      streamax protocol updated: message registered on every device connection replaced with the device_info setting

        streamax protocol update scheduled for October 13, 2023 - parameter event.enum will be removed. It displays payload type of the message and in most cases it's always 0 (signal message).

        • kial replied to this.

          Added VIDEO download and snapshot (photo) taking.
          You can request videos and photos on the MEDIA tab, which becomes available when you enable the experimental functionality in your account settings.
          Or using the "request_video" and "take_photo" device commands - they will be sent and repeated up to 3 times until device finish media file upload. Those commands results will contain all information about uploaded media file.

          When you click on the video download button, an additional window will appear in which you have to select:

          1. Camera channel as a video source
          2. Indicate the time that will serve as the beginning of the video
          3. Duration of the video

          All necessary information for the video file is recorded in logs and messages:

            streamax protocol update: parameter event.enum removed as mentioned in kial

              8 days later
              a month later

              Parsing of Expanded data format №4 has been added to the protocol: it includes parameters for mileage, ignition, position precision and OBD data.

                15 days later

                Video live streaming from Streamax devices is now supported in both H.264 and H.265 (HEVC) codecs, with automatic transcoding to H.264 during streaming.

                  a month later

                  streamax protocol update: added new standard video commands playback_video and video_timeline.

                  The playback_video command performs almost the same function as request_video, except its result is an HLS live stream URL, allowing you to view the historical video almost immediately, without waiting for the full file upload.

                  The video_timeline command enables you to retrieve time intervals with video recordings stored on the disk, which are available for download/playback.

                    22 days later

                    streamax protocol update:

                    • fixed substream video downloading and playback using request_video and playback_video commands
                    • fixed substream timeline handling for the video_timeline command
                      5 days later

                      streamax protocol update:

                      • take_photo command: streamtype non-required param was deleted because it's not supported on the device side
                      • take_photo command: added non-required resolution and quality params to control photo capturing process
                        19 days later

                        streamax protocol update:

                        • Fixed substream video downloading from HDD-based MDVRs
                        • Added setting position_state_parameters to control messages sending time/distance interval:
                        14 days later

                        streamax protocol update:

                        • added parameters describing DMS alarm events - dsm.event.enum and dsm.event.name with human-readable event description
                          2 months later

                          Fixed Expanded data format №4 data parsing

                            Added Passanger flow Count report parsing

                              3 months later

                              Fixed a parsing issue that occurred when the device transmitted more Extended data in the Audio/Video data frame than stated