Mictrack protocol is supported in flespi telematics hub.
Supported devices:
The following configuration settings are added for Mictrack MT700 device:
Mictrack protocol is updated, Status field parsing improved: Status, A=valid,V=invalid,L=Last Location
We supported Mictrack MT600 Plus tracker.
Mictrack protocol is updated: changed format of wifi.mac.address parameter. Old format: 101331DDBA41 New format: 10:13:31:dd:ba:41
Added 2 new device models:
Enhanced integration of authorization packet for different revisions of Mictrack MT600 Plus tracker. Some devices that were unable to authorize to flespi now will start operating with the channel.
Mictrack protocol updated: fixed parsing of command's responses.
Working Mode setting updated
Mictrack protocol updated: fixed parsing of the response to RCONF,2 command