Hi.is there any document about all mapviews commands? I want to change the dot size but i dont know how.I tried to create a circle instead of it but this time the color is orange and not changing. i dont know how i can fill the circles with an other color eighter.
I added the ability to set some styles for the dots: https://forum.flespi.com/d/10-changelog-mapview/15
thank you very much for your reply.
is it possible to use multiple nodes for adddots like appendpoints: something like this? MapView|cmd:{"adddots": [[53.916836599999996,27.4607254],[53.926636599999995,27.4597254],[53.92573659999999,27.4577254],[53.9258366,27.452525400000003]]}
royamohammadi Yes, you can use it :)
thank you:)