flespi telematics hub supports istartek protocol.
New device types added:
New parsing scheme for alarm code 53 added, 3 options available based on peripherial connected:
New device type is added: iStartek VT203
New device type is added: iStartek VT100
The protocol will be affected by the change in type of parameters gsm.mcc and gsm.mnc to be installed in 2 weeks - May 23rd, 2022: both parameters that now have type "string" will be stored as "number". The possible leading zeroes in MNC will be ignored (e.g. the value "01" will be stored as 1).
istartek protocol has been updated, fixed checksum calculating for devices:
TLS support is added for the protocol. You can enable it in channel configuration and use this instruction to configure custom certificates for the channel and AT+QSSLCFG instruction to sync this configuration on the device. Or just use provided flespi.gw builtin certificate with minimum configuration.
istartek protocol has been updated, added obd parameters: can.battery.voltage, can.vehicle.mileage, can.fuel.consumed, can.trip.mileage, can.trip.fuel.consumed, can.vehicle.speed, can.trip.max.speed, can.trip.max.rpm, can.engine.ignition.status
parameter can.trip.time renamed to trip.duration parameter can.trip.max.rpm renamed to trip.max.rpm