flespi telematics hub supports traccar-client protocol. It is made is to accept data from Traccar client app for iOS and Android.
position.speed parameter parsing bug fixed: traccar client sends speed in knots, flespi converts it to km/h
Parameter position.mock added to indicate that position information is mocked
Traccar-client protocol is updated: protocol has been moved to the new telematics gateway engine. This is an internal process, no changes in the work of the channels are expected.
Traccar-client protocol is updated: parameter position.hdop is renamed into position.accuracy.
Please adjust your applications to use new parameter position.accuracy. Old parameter position.hdop will be removed in a week, 21-Nov-2022.
Traccar-client protocol is updated: parameter position.hdop is removed. Use position.accuracy parameter instead.
Traccar-client protocol of flespi telematics hub internal implementation has been switched to a new engine. No significant changes in behavior are expected.