2020 is over... It was a controversial and hectic year, to say the least.
However, it constitutes the same part of our lives as any other year (+1 day) - we cannot skip it and we most definitely will remember it for long.
Despite the obstacles popping up here and there, flespi keeps moving forward and bringing value to you, our dear users.
We finished the year with 99.98% annual uptime in the EU region and an amazing 100% annual uptime in the RU region.
In December we did introduce some important improvements:
- integrated MQTT Tiles into the flespi panel
- redesigned Toolbox
- added new protocols
- and more.
We look forward to bringing more benefits to your business in the new year and would be grateful if you could help us with that.
Please spend a few minutes to complete a short survey:
Thanks for staying with us.
May the new year open new opportunities along with the resources to step up to them.