Dear flespi users,
As you know, flespi platform is constantly developing and improving in order to bring more qualitative service to all of you.
As a matter of this course we implemented new xirgo-mqtt protocol instead of the old one (that is now named as xirgo-mqtt-deprecated protocol).
Channel with the new xirgo-mqtt protocol has an embedded MQTT server inside. This allows you full control on the connections from devices: you may enable TLS encryption, configure your own authentication on the incoming connections, and whitelist the IP addresses allowed to connect to your channel.
Also, new xirgo-mqtt channel is equipped with TrafficViewer - an indispensable tool for debugging of raw traffic between the channel and connected devices.
In order to start using this new xirgo-mqtt channel you should:
- CREATE new channel and select protocol xirgo-mqtt #309.
- RECONFIGURE the trackers to connect to new MQTT broker - i.e. to the URI of the xirgo-mqtt channel created at the previous step. Please note, that there is no need to keep flespi token at the device any more. You may configure any Username and/or Password on the device, but be aware that they match to those configured in the channel.
- if you have Xirgo XG3700 devices created in flespi - UPDATE device type to the corresponding device_type_id of the new xirgo-mqtt protocol. For you convenience, the curl commands for the HTTP requests to be executed are given below.
- when all the devices are successfully connected to the new xirgo-mqtt channel, DELETE the old channel with xirgo-mqtt-deprecated protocol.
Protocol xirgo-mqtt-deprecated will be removed in a month, 13 October 2021.
So, we ask you to perform the transition in the nearest future.
Please, contact us in flespi support chat if you need any assistance from us during this process, or encounter any issue.
Thank you for the understanding and your readiness to cooperate!
The commands to change device_type_id are below:
Xirgo MQTT (generic) #733:
curl -X PUT --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXX' -d '{"device_type_id":993}' ''
Xirgo XG3700 XTCAN SDK #734:
curl -X PUT --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXX' -d '{"device_type_id":994}' ''
Xirgo XG3700 LIGHT SDK #739:
curl -X PUT --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXX' -d '{"device_type_id":995}' ''
Xirgo XG3700 LIGHT+ SDK #740:
curl -X PUT --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXX' -d '{"device_type_id":996}' ''
Xirgo XG3700 STCAN SDK #741:
curl -X PUT --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXX' -d '{"device_type_id":997}' ''
Xirgo XG3700 TACHO SDK #742:
curl -X PUT --header 'Authorization: FlespiToken XXX' -d '{"device_type_id":998}' ''
Just replace XXX with your flespi token.