You can configure mqtt channel to split json array to different messages.
"messages_ttl": 86400,
"enabled": false,
"name": "Hub data splitter",
"configuration": {
"clean_session": true,
"client_id": "messages-splitter",
"message": {
"ident": {
"source": "json_payload",
"template": "%BLEMac(hex)%"
"payload_type": "json"
"skip_invalid": true,
"subscribe": [
"qos": 0,
"topic": "/gw/pub/304a265a560c"
"uri": "",
"username": "YOUR-TOKEN-HERE"
"commands_ttl": 86400,
"protocol_id": 39
Just copy this json and paste to creation form (Click button to insert json)

Also you can create flespi devices to collect messages data by device.
"messages_ttl": 31536000,
"device_type_id": 172,
"name": "gwD0FE41BEB558",
"configuration": {
"ident": "D0FE41BEB558"
"messages_rotate": 0
After that you can use device telemetry subscription to see your data splitted by device.
For example you can create multiplier widget with topic flespi/state/gw/devices/+/telemetry/TimeStamp