1 We need to test all scenarios like.. multiple publisher and consumer
2 Different messages sizes
3 Different messages count
4 And capture latency, throughout
Performance testing - Mosquitto
1. Performance evaluation on latency

Technology Count Message count Message Size Producer(Throughput) Consumer(Throughput) Latency ( Milli seconds)
Mosquitto "Producer - 1
Consumer -1" 10000 4 KB 7027 msg/s 7027 msg/s 63.97
20000 4 KB 11123 msg/s 11115 msg/s 72.56
"Producer - 1
Consumer -2" 10000 40 KB 4904 msg/s 4904 msg/s 21.17
20000 40 KB 6071 msg/s 6069 msg/s 26.54
"Producer - 2
Consumer -1" 10000 400 KB 4904 msg/s 4904 msg/s 21.17
20000 400 KB 6071 msg/s 6069 msg/s 26.54