Very new to flepsi and have setup a Teltronika FMC234.
i have the data being passed to a webhook on my system but the JSON sent across is enclosed in [] brackets at the beginning and end.
Is there an option to remove these so I’m am only left with the JSON enclosed in {} brackets?
This is an example of the data I receive
[{'BatteryCurrent': 0, 'BatteryVoltage': 4.123, 'ChannelId': 1225350, 'CodecId': 142, 'DeviceId': 5938473, 'DeviceName': 'Robs Car', 'DeviceTypeId': 2334, 'EngineIgnitionStatus': False, 'EventPriorityEnum': 0, 'ExternalPowersourceVoltage': 19.462, 'GnssStateEnum': 1, 'GnssStatus': True, 'GsmMcc': 234, 'GsmMnc': 15, 'GsmOperatorCode': '23415', 'GsmSignalLevel': 60, 'Ident': '864636065799927', 'MovementStatus': False, 'Peer': '85.255.333.333:56063', 'PositionAltitude': 59, 'PositionDirection': 15, 'PositionHdop': 1.2, 'PositionLatitude': 51.73748, 'PositionLongitude': -1.015737, 'PositionPdop': 2, 'PositionSatellites': 9, 'PositionSpeed': 0, 'PositionValid': True, 'ProtocolId': 14, 'ServerTimestamp': 1728586733.704578, 'SleepModeEnum': 0, 'Timestamp': 1728586668, 'VehicleMileage': 29.627}]
thanks for the help