Hello, I am new to Flespi. I plan to handle multiple environments (staging and production), with different devices and channels. I though I will create sub accounts for every environment, hence devices & channels will be isolated. I'm using MQTTNet to create a consumer for Flespi.
I noticed that when I subscribe to flespi/message/gw/devices/+
with QOS 1, I am able to receive unacknowledged messages after my consumer re-connects to the Flespi broker.
But using this topic I cannot filter messages for that specific sub-account (environment).
However, using topic filters, like $filter/cid=ABC/flespi/message/gw/devices/+
it seems like QOS 1 is not fully supported since unacked messages are not delivered after my consumer reconnects.
What is the recommended solution to handle different environments using Flespi? Is it possible to deliver unacked messages if I'm using topic filters?
Thank you,
EDIT: Just to make sure, I've set CleanSession to false.